Shifting the Mode of Life
In making zapping I recently found a documentary you can watch on Netflix: “Trump: An American Dream”. One of the segments portrays a quick interview to a child about five or six years. Someone inquires him what he thinks of Donald Trump and why. The little boy instantly replies: “He’s great!! I wish to be like him when I grow up…because of the money and fame.” So I was wondering if it was in the early 80’s, what this man of the present could hypothetically be up to now? On one hand, he could be a tycoon, or being working at Wall Street –which is quite similar–. On the other hand, he could be a dear fellow ‘enrolled in Gaia Education’ because of he finally realized the Trump’s mode of life is by any manner of means sustainable. Sadly, is more likely –or there’s a high percentage to put it in economic terms– this human is bound to the first scenario since we clearly know this is the model that bulks large in today’s world. In fact, I remember myself at the school, at the university, and as ‘communications and marketing man’, dreaming “to have the last Audi’s model” among other nonsenses, and thinking so little of ecologic issues. Happily, it began to change when I started being aware of myself and my human powers (I still continue acknowledging my ignorance and hopefully I will till the end). Thus, to put it in terms of professor Yuval Harari, it’s further than urgent shifting the fictions that set up this extractive mode for certainties that thwart the Ecological Armageddon we’ve already been ramping up.

[…] I started no so long diving into ecological/generative/circular economics by means of The Systems View of Life. I’ve had the opportunity of approaching some of Schumacher, Constanza, Lovins, Brown, Kelly, Jakobsen, inter alia. Furthermore, I’ve had the privilege of both reading to and studying with professor Fritjof Capra. I already had mentioned before I have much to thank him for opening my mind towards systems thinking, my today’s mode of learning the life. Nonetheless, the compelling concepts keenly explained through Gaia Education have widely allowed to me to keep connecting the dots in defining what I’ve dubbed as The Ecobiopsychosocial Capital. I.e., a non-dualistic/non-anthropocentric view that goes further than the four capitals conveyed by ecological economics: Environmental Capital, Human Capital, Social Capital and Economic Capital. By grasping the impacts of a degenerative/extractive economy over ecology (ecological overshoot), the better understanding of the social and health impacts that come up from this exploitative and reductionist system, and actually by recognizing the explicit call to action for regenerating the way we understand capital, I’ve strengthened such conviction. My essential purpose as organizational development (OD) practitioner is contributing in the enhancement of The Ecobiopsychosocial (EBPS) Capital in business organizations as the specie they are.
I strongly believe by shitting the crux from the mode of “To Have” to the mode of “To Be” we have a good chance of thriving an evolution from the Homo Ignarus/Economicus condition to the truly Homo Sapiens Reciprocans one. A condition that understands the patterns/cycles of nature, as well as how to live in harmony with ecosystems and other species that inhabit the Oikos. The thing is this Homo ignarus is becoming now in a sort of Homo Deus, as professor Harari keenly explains in his book. Such Homo Deus will be more than ready to invade not only Mars but the entire Solar System since he’s being shaped by Capitalism (1*)
(1*) Ask to Elon Musk: lecture click here /article click here/ manifesto click here …We cannot allow it!
Author: Juan Sebastián Cárdenas Salas (April 4, 2018)
From the serie: Reflections Around Gaia Education
Enroll in Gaia Education:
Enroll in Capra Course:
Read the Book: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
Read the Book: Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari
Resources of support
Economic Dimension – Module’s 1 Handbook general contents and references (Gaia Education, 2018)
Ego vs Eco Image from
Cover Image by Luis del Rio from