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Organizational Development Systemic Consultancy

Organizational Mapping

Organizational Mapping

Acknowledging Integrity

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Organizational Learning

Organizational Learning

Underpinning Learning Capacities

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Organizational Sustainability

Organizational Sustainability

Grasping the Life’s Principle of Circularity

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Our Nature

The Cartesian worldview has created a clearly unsustainable socio-economic system in which global corporations have posed a significant clout. The industrial era set up them like production, competition, and extraction machines without concerning its impact beyond the economic frontiers.

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Our Competencies

We are an Organizational Development (OD) Systemic Consultancy that leads organizations towards a necessary worldview shift. We are aiming to create awareness of business organizations as the most influential living systems on Earth, and hence encouraging them to thrive its ecobiopsychosocial capital.

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The Insightful Conversation©

We are inspired by ‘the ecology of mind’. That is, by the ecology of ideas, conversations, meanings, communications, relationships, actions, and learning processes. Thereby we aim to cultivate positive changes on business human organizations.

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