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Underpinning learning capacities

Jscinteractivo supports learning processes in companies to flourishing their sustainable growth throughout time. The Whole Systems Thinking allows us to collaboratively tailor forward-looking plans within business organizations and thus contributing to their evolution.

The essential functions of this component are described as follows:

  • Change Easing: we can assist cultural transformations in coherence with a keen definition of a generative/sustainable purpose.
  • Organizational Resilient: we are able to lead organizational rethinking and adaptation according to the demanding outside changes.
  • Interdependencies Model: we have the knack of developing dynamics to improve whole organizational relationships.
  • Corporative Identity / Corporative Communication: we are capable of heading corporative identity / communication having organizational coherence as basis.
  • Systemic Coaching: we have the ability of encouraging adaptive leadership in order to better understand the systemic relationships that give shape to the entire organization.
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